About us

BiPlus Organizing US is a coalition of organizations and individuals invested in a brighter future for all people who experience attraction to multiple genders — whether they identify as bisexual, pansexual, fluid, queer, another label, or no label at all.

Our mission

Through community collaboration, advocacy, and collective action we strive to end inequities for all people who experience attraction to multiple genders in the United States.


We acknowledge that there is no single identity label that comfortably fits everyone in our community. People who can experience attraction to multiple genders make up the majority of the LGBTQ+ community and we are a diverse population in many ways, including our intersectional experiences of oppression and privilege.

In our work, we use the term "Bi+" to include anyone who has the capacity to experience attraction to more than one gender, including people who identify as bisexual, pansexual, fluid queer, another label, or no label at all. We also explicitly center those who are at the axis of multiple systems of oppression and commit to using language that honors their perspectives.

Our work

When it comes to LGBTQIA+ initiatives, the needs and oppression of people attracted to multiple genders are largely overlooked in policy, funding, communications, messaging, data collection, and more. We envision a day when the Bi+ community has equity within our country — and we’re taking action in the following ways: 

Community collaboration

  • Facilitate a national network of organizations and individuals advocating for the health and wellbeing of Bi+ people.

  • Host monthly meetings to coordinate Bi+ advocates nationwide to take action in their communities.

  • Create online and in-person spaces for individuals across the US who share our mission to meet, share resources, and support each other.


  • Amplify awareness of the Bi+ community’s disparities to policy-makers, community leaders, and the general public.

  • Create resources, presentations, and policy papers that outline the needs of the Bi+ community and propose actions that address these ongoing inequities.

  • Facilitate and boost national awareness-building and action-catalyzing events such as Bi+ Awareness Week, Bisexual Health Awareness month, educational panels, and practical workshops for organizations and individuals.

Collective action

  • Create opportunities for Bi+ advocates to meet with policy-makers and leaders to discuss Bi+ community needs at the national level.

  • Organize action across multiple Bi+ organizations and communities for maximum impact.